About me
Hi, I am Junyuan Fang (房俊源 in Chinese). I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), mentored by Prof. Dapeng Oliver Wu. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in 2024, advised by Prof. C. K. Michael Tse. Before that, I received the B.Eng. degree from Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT) in 2018, and M.Eng. degree from Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) in 2020, advised by Dr. Jiajing Wu and Prof. Zibin Zheng. My research interests are in the area of graph data mining. More specifically, I am focused on the area of graph neural networks including their theory foundations, adversarial robustness and applications. I also have a strong passion for the robustness optimization against cascading failures in Cyber-physical systems (CPS).
Email: junyufang2-c [AT] my [DOT] cityu [DOT] edu [DOT] hk
- [02/2025] One paper about robust design analysis of graph neural networks has been accepted by TSMC. [Paper], [Code]
- [12/2024] One collaborative paper about studying the cascading failure propagation via failure propagation graphs has been accepted by SYSTJ. [Paper]
- [12/2024] One collaborative paper about the soft label aggregation of GNNs in heterophilic networks has been accepted by KBS. [Paper]
- [11/2024] One book chapter about account classification via graph neural networks is available now. [Chapter]
- [06/2024] I passed the oral examination for my Ph.D. degree!
More news
- [01/2024] One previous preprint about the imperceptible node injection attacks in graph neural networks has been accepted by TCSS. [Paper], [Code]
- [01/2024] One collaborative paper about the mitigation of cascading failure in power network has been accepted by ISCAS2024. [Paper]
- [01/2024] One collaborative paper about the detection of phishing gangs in Ethereum has been accepted by TIFS. [Paper]
- [09/2023] I am honored to be awarded the 2023 Research Tuition Scholarship at CityU.
- [06/2023] One paper about the homophily and heterophily information aggregation for Ethereum account classification has been accepted by JETCAS. [Paper]
- [06/2023] I am honored to be selected to receive the 2023 IEEE CASS Student Travel Grant for attending ISCAS2023.
- [01/2023] One paper about the impact of network topologies to the performance of GNNs has been accepted by ISCAS2023. [Paper], [Code]
- [01/2023] I am honored to be invited to attend GYSS2023.
- [10/2022] New preprint "GANI: Global Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Imperceptible Node Injections" and corresponding codes are available now. [Paper], [Code]